



病理学创新孵化器由Epredia和3DHISTECH共同创建,旨在开发和改进解决方案,彻底改变肿瘤诊断方法,实现更有效的癌症治疗。这两家公司是病理实验室数字切片扫描技术的商业合作伙伴,它们之间的合作旨在促进科学和理论观点的实际应用。Epredia 和 3DHISTECH 将通过知识转让和技术共享为病理学创新孵化器提供资金支持。病理学创新孵化器的开发仅用了一年时间。

今天的开幕式还标志着病理学创新孵化器首个专项项目的启动,该项目预算为15亿福林(约合400万美元)。该项目的目标是为作为癌症诊断基础的免疫组化 (IHC) 检测开发高度复杂的组合医疗技术解决方案,以提高个性化诊断的有效性,为患者的治疗决策提供支持。

Epredia总裁Steven Lynum表示,随着全球癌症患者人数逐年增加,癌症诊断变得越来越复杂,推进创新诊断解决方案可对家庭和整个社会产生直接影响。

"在 Epredia,每时每刻都有 44 种我们的产品被用于抗击癌症。我们相信,通过改进癌症筛查和早期诊断,我们可以使抗癌斗争更加有效。我们希望开发有效、可靠的诊断解决方案,以应对当前患者护理中的挑战,从而扩大现有选择的范围。这就是我们与 3DHISTECH 共同发起的新投资--病理学创新孵化器的目的。我们两家公司之间的合作以及我们在数字病理学领域的共同成功可以追溯到数年前。现在的联合开发为免疫组化领域提供了前瞻性的解决方案。我们很高兴能利用匈牙利广泛的知识基础、深厚的专业知识和劳动力市场机会。我们的目标是让病理创新孵化器成为一个全球科学开发中心,将当今的科学知识转化为临床应用,为癌症的早期快速诊断做出贡献。

Epredia总裁Steven Lynum

在今天于布达佩斯举行的开幕式上,3DHISTECH创始首席执行官Béla Molnár博士补充道:

"10年来,3DHISTECH在美国取得了巨大成功,并与Epredia的解剖病理学部门合作了数年。在这种出色的合作关系下,我们共同完成的病理数字化项目数量增加了两倍。这证明了深化合作的价值,我们正利用这一绝佳机会共同创建并启动病理学创新孵化器。这不仅是我们的一项财务投资,也是从研究角度分享技术诀窍,将我们的专业知识和经验、行业知识和人脉网络与 Epredia 的资源相结合,创建一个独特的世界级创新中心。从投资者的角度来看,这将提高 3DHISTECH 和 Epredia 的市场潜力。除了我们的 IHC 项目,我们已经在孵化中心看到了许多研发创新项目,这些项目汇集了日本、美国和匈牙利的尖端技术,以及医疗、生物和工程解决方案。

3DHISTECH创始首席执行官Béla Molnár博士



Founded in 1996, the Hungarian-based 3DHISTECH is the first European manufacturer of digital pathology, and one of the global market leaders. 3DHISTECH is one of the pioneers in digital pathology, developing and manufacturing digital slide scanners, software applications for digital slides, and other products, including tissue microarray machinery – supporting not only routine human pathology but also medical and pharmaceutical research, medical education, veterinary pathology as well as geology.

We commit our human and financial resources entirely to the development of digital pathology solutions. 3DHISTECH is dedicated to providing clinical pathologists, researchers, and universities with digital pathology solutions to facilitate quick and accurate diagnostics, support medical discoveries, and foster education. Our long-term goal is to fully digitalize the traditional pathology workflow, so that it can adapt to the ever-growing demands of healthcare today, significantly reducing diagnostic time and optimizing routine diagnostics and developments in cancer research.

About Epredia

Epredia is a global leader in the anatomical pathology field, providing comprehensive solutions for precision cancer diagnostics and tissue diagnostics. Powered by key brands, including Erie Scientific, Menzel-Gläser, Microm, Shandon, and Richard-Allan Scientific, Epredia’s portfolio includes microscope slides, instruments and consumables. Epredia was established following the acquisition of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Anatomical Pathology business by PHC Holdings in 2019. Epredia has operations in major sites in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and China with a total of around 1,200 employees. Epredia is committed to achieving its mission to improve lives by enhancing cancer diagnostics for patients around the world. For further information on Epredia and its products, please visit

About PHC Holdings Corporation (PHC Group)

PHC Holdings Corporation (TSE 6523) is a global healthcare company with a mission of contributing to the health of society through healthcare solutions that have a positive impact and improve the lives of people. Its subsidiaries (referred to collectively as PHC Group) include PHC Corporation, Epredia, Ascensia Diabetes Care, LSI Medience Corporation, Mediford, and Wemex. Together, these companies develop, manufacture, sell and service solutions across diabetes management, healthcare solutions, life sciences and diagnostics. PHC Group’s consolidated net sales in FY2022 were JPY 356.4 billion with global distribution of products and services in more than 125 countries.

For more information, please contact:

Julia Cottrill
PHC Group Corporate Communications